MOC: Toa of Ice (Planet 2002)

For this week’s MOC I would like to focus on wyatt’s Toa Of Ice (Planet 2002).

wyatt designed this set for a Toa Mangai collaboration. They started off by going through the various Ice Planet 2002 LEGO sets to determine what parts from the Space subtheme might work best for this Kaukau-wearing Toa of Ice, such as the neon orange windows and antenna. Even the iconic chainsaw element got representation, which itself was some brilliant thinking.

This frigid hero was made in, so unfortunately there are a few elements and construction techniques that are just not possible outside of the software, but the creation is still inspiring. If I could make one change, I would have liked to see a working neon orange chainsaw using the individual links and a few gears. All in all, in my estimation this MOC is a win.

