MOC: Zaria

This is Fritzkrieg’s take on Zaria, a Toa Of Iron who has a part in the official BIONICLE story, but was only ever given a written description. I’d say Fritzkrieg has captured the burnt orange and metalic gray colorscheme from his description perfectly, and managed to give him a rusty look in line with his iron element in the process. The mask Zaria is wearing is a custom creation from CreativeMechanics on Etsy.

He also came up with the brilliant idea to give him a hunched-back since he is an “earthy element”, which I think must have been intended to show a relation to Onua and other toa who are adapted to dwelling underground.

If Zaria’s staff looks familiar, it was inspired by the “Gaffi” Stick wielded by Boba Fett (or more accurately, the traditional weapon of the Tusken Raiders). Fritzkrieg explains that he envisioned the staff as being made from the body of the Makuta he was forced to kill, and used it as a reminder of his shame for violating the Toa Code.

Fritzkrieg also provided these pictures to give us a better idea of the construction! You can see more of his work here on Instagram, which features a formidable number of creations and building techniques.

