Myths and Legacy: Legends of Metru Nui – Book vs Movie

It’s 2024, the twentieth anniversary of the Legends of Metru Nui storyline! That means it’s the perfect time for another Book vs Movie comparison!

We released our first-ever Book vs Movie comparison of Mask of Light just over a year ago, right in time for the twentieth anniversary of the 2003 storyline, following up a couple months after with our The Legend Reborn comparison. While it shouldn’t be long before our fourth and final comparison, we wanted to kick this year off right with some 2004-era content. We’ve held off on this era for a bit, but now that we have some fun materials stored up, we’re excited to get started.

Like each of the other BIONICLE novels, the novelization printed by Scholastic was originally based on an early version of the movie script, incorporating elements that didn’t make the final cut. It’s well known that the book’s Troller and Lohrak scenes were cut from the final product, but each version also contains very interesting nuances and differences that bring out elements that the other does not.

Any element that was added to the movie that wasn’t originally featured the book has been novelized by our team and can be viewed seamlessly with the rest of the story.

As always, the fruits of our labors can be found in the pdf below, based on the digital edition of Legends of Metru Nui found on our sister site, Wall of History. We hope you enjoy the breakdown!

Font colors are to be understood as follows:

  • Red = Line from the book, perhaps representing a sequence in the original script
  • Green = Addition made for the movie
  • Orange = A scene or line that was moved to a new spot
  • Purple = The new spot for a scene or line that was moved

