Myths and Legacy: The Annals of Icarax Chapter One

Three can play at the game of kohlii.

As hinted last week, our next tale picks up in the aftermath of the epilogue of BIONICLE Legends: Invasion, as Icarax makes preparations for a new world order. But when the chips fall and the curtain rises, which Makuta will reign supreme?

2007 was the first story year to feature side adventures presented as story serials, and while three of these — the Toa Nuva Blog, Into the Darkness, and Dreams of Destruction — tell universe-spanning tales of adventure, there was one essential piece to this braid that was relegated to out-of-story explanations and summaries. Icarax, whose pivotal actions cascade across all three serials, was never given the story serial treatment he deserved… until now.

Follow as Icarax rampages across the known world, carrying out missions for Teridax even as he learns of the shadowy faction that has lurked for millennia in plain sight: the Order of Mata Nui. And when his investigation brings him face-to-face with two of the Order’s own, the ambush will rock their universe…

The Annals of Icarax begin here…

