Myths and Legacy: VootCaboot’s Archive

Today our fanworks section has been expanded yet again! The Myths and Legacy site now features a section for the works of VootCaboot! This ongoing collection of stories will see two more additions over the coming weeks and hopefully many more to come!

Lhikan’s Mask, the first story featured here presents Turaga Vakama, grappling with damage accidentally dealt by Jaller to Lhikan’s Hau. Can Vakama bring himself to let go of the past?

Visit Voot’s brand new archive here, and check out Lhikan’s Mask, the first entry in this collection. Also, be sure to visit AO3 and see A Gift the Great Spirit Left Unnamed, a love story in BIONICLE, a world with no concept of love. It’s a novel-length story, and Voot’s put a lot of time and thought into it, so if you enjoy the short stories we feature here, then definitely check it out!

