Recently chuckschwa got in touch with Justin Kunz, an ex-Saffire artist who worked on both their PC and GBA BIONICLE games in 2001. Justin opened up the vault and shared a bunch of his work, much of which is heretofore unseen! And even the stuff that isn’t new is in much higher res than before.
One thing I’d like to highlight are the Gali level concepts, which are blocking out certain elements that do carry over into version 0.006 of the actual game (and the final build, to a lesser extent). But left on the cutting room floor is a pretty wild concept for Ga-Koro – split between the stilt village we know and cliffside dwellings carved into the falls!! And between them, a gigantic underwater tunnel…
The below gallery showcases all the brand-new art, but take a look at the respective pages the art has been added to in the archive, if you’d like to see everything including the higher-res stuff.