Disgruntled Matoran reports he is finally ready to sell the prototype Takutanuva masks he rescued from destruction 8 years ago.

” I had hoped to make a killing off of these and held off on selling them to let the value appreciate, since those white hunas sold for more than 2000 bucks to collectors when only 3 were believed to exist, and being the lucky guy who got the only bag of rejected prototypes to be saved from recycling I thought Id sell them one at a time and pay off my house. I held off for too long, and sadly I personally lost track as I lost interest in bionicle myself. At this rate with bionicle canceled nobody’s really interested in them anymore, which was made clear to me when the Sterling Silver Krana kal, once worth 4000 bucks sold for less than 200, and more of these prototypes exist than SSKKs. I figure I can sell them cheaply so the big time fans out there can get something awesome and not pay an arm and a leg for it .”
Not a whole lot of BIONICLE® fans are aware that these prototypes existed, since as D.M. pointed out, he was the only one who successfully rescued any of them. Previously unobtainable, they were quickly forgotten and never really added to anyone’s list of “BIONICLE Must Haves” as a result. In all this time only Kelly, formerly BZP Staff but now employed at The LEGO® Company, has managed to rescue prototype parts in such a large number.
This mask, nicknamed “Avokraan”, a combination of Avohkii and Krahkaan for the masks official names, was intended to represent the two fused masks of Takanuva and Makuta when they fell into the pit of protodermis and were merged into “Takutanuva”. In the movie, details of the Mask Of Light, and the Mask Of Shadows are evident in the character design of the fused characters, so fans were disappointed when the collectible mask for buying the Takutanuva set, a set containing both “Takanuva and Ussanui” as well as “Maukuta”, contained not a merged mask of light and shadows, but instead a variant of the Krahkaan fans deemed the “MEK” for Movie Edition Krahkaan.
Little did fans know there WAS such a mask, but the unrefined looking Avohkraan was rejected after a lack of appreciation for it’s design, intended to look like it was still dripping with protodermis, and partly corroded. Some liberties were taken in the movie to allow for the artistic merging of the masks, and the krahkaan took the brunt of these liberties since it was worn differently and lacked facial features for expressions, so the Avohkaan proved “too ugly an uninteresting for a limited edition mask” when the two toy forms of the masks it was based on were put together instead of making the design more like its movie version. Proving to be a difficult design and short on time, the merged mask was scrapped in favor of a streamlined MEK to take its place.
And now, this mask can be yours for a phenomenally low ‘Buy It Now” price on Disgruntled Matoran’s eBay page.
You’ve probably figured out this is an April Fools joke by now