RHOTUKA Code Repository Online

For future reference, the quickest way to this story is through the FAQ .

I don’t know if the LEGO Company plans to keep the number of RHOTUKA codes secret the way they won’t release a figure for KANOKA disks, but I have created a RHOTUKA Code Repository in case they do. Because the codes will someday (current estimate is January 2005) open KANOKA Club content, the repository only reports on the number of codes entered; it does not report actual codes. You don’t have to have a code to go see how many are currently known .

Currently, the RCR only accepts RAHAGA RHOTUKA codes. You will need the Box Code to enter along with the RHOTUKA Code. The RCR includes a Matoran Script decoder to assist you while entering in codes.

In addition to the codes, you will need to enter a “User Name”. The “User Name” is not currently tied into Mask of Destiny or the forums, so you are on your honor here. If you already have a registered user name, then please use that. If not, just pick a name and stick with it.

Finally, the RCR also reports the number of “Confirmed” codes. These are codes that I have personally encountered in a verifiable way. If you want me to confirm a code, you will need to send me a picture or a link in an email.

Ready? Then grab those RHOTUKA before they get lost behind the couch and Enter Them Here !

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