Market Watch: Sealed Nui Jaga

The classic BIONICLE set Nui-Jaga appears to have dropped in price when checking sales listings against what BrickEconomy currently values it at.

This listing for a sealed Nui Jaga is a little beat up, although not too bad all things considered. The seller is asking 183.50 USD and about 11 dollars shipping.

A Bricklink seller in Switzerland also has a sealed set for about 173.00 USD/CHF (The conversion rates are pretty equal right now), if your in the European continent. They do rate the box as being in “6/10” condition, so I imagine the cardboard is not going to look much better than the previous listing.

For these prices though, I still think buying New/Sealed is a bit overrated. Unless you’ve got a huge income or just really want a sealed copy of a set you really love, it’s probably better to buy a used/preassembled model.

If you live in the USA, then pickings are a little slim, however eBay has a few worth looking at. This complete model for about 60 dollars shipped (or best offer if your feeling lucky) looks like a fair price.

If you live outside of USA, then it looks like Bricklink has a few sellers around the world. One of them is likely to have cheaper shipping compared to buying from a seller in the States.

