The basic building mechanic has three types of parts involved, not counting some specific parts. These parts are axels, connectors, and corners, as I call them. Starting with the connectors, these flat parts each have a hole through the center that the axels can slide and rotate freely in. Extending from the axel hole is a gripping point that snaps onto the end of the axels, or grips onto the the grooved midsection of the axels. The largest flat peice has eight connection points and forms a circle, while the second largest is a cemicircle with five points to attach axels to. Each size down from the second largest loses one grip point an decreases in size by 45 degree increments.
The basic corner peices come in two shapes, and are the same as the connectors in function, except they have a groove that lets you combine two together to help with building in three dimensions . The axels come in a variety of sizes that are geometricaly coordinated with eachother.
The base system is very versatile, so you can build almost anything you want with it, and what it lacks in detail, it makes up for with functionality. K’nex is at it’s best when building big, though Ive found a variety of uses for smaller devices, like a storage rack for game peices, or a frame to hold my mini projector in place. Most of my knex collection is combined into a single structure that I use as a set of shelves, while Ive seen large end tables, makeshift lamp frames, and even a motorized device to walk someone’s Poke’walker.
With some gears and a motor or two you can also make some