You’ll notice that in the first pic, the sword looks a little different than it does in the other four. It’s the fabled Sword of Tengu, which featured rather prominently in the first season of the new animated series. Thanks to the Gigamesh Spybot, it has the distinctive tri-pronged cross-guard, and 8 KOHRAK eyes represent the energy coursing down the blade when its true power is revealed.
Shredder’s outfit is a weapon in its own right. This particular design features 15 silver BOHROK eyes and body armor, and the combination of the forehead ridges and the Darth Vader brow make the HAU NUVA look very similar to the modern Shredder’s helmet. If only they made it in silver…
[…] the parts are considerably newer than what was available at the time, I feel like we could replace Purple Dave’s shredder with this Toa of water and none would be the […]