We recently recieved some kind messages from VOrient on Twitter and Discord regarding these heretofore unseen design docs for VNOG.
Hello Bionicle fans, I have something that may interest you about the Voya Nui Online Game 🙂
I currently work at Ankama. (A french video game studio who make the online game Dofus) A former employee has just left after 12 years of working at ankama. I inherited his old research sketches and I came across some concerning this Ankama / Lego collaboration
So I scanned them and asked if I could share them, he said yes. I thought you might be interested after seeing the trouble you went to find the sources of the game and make them refunctional 😮
The employee is called Séverin Baclet. And here is the link for the sketch I found. Enjoy 😛
We’re very grateful VOrient took the time to make and share these excellent scans! You can see a lot of cool details here, many of which didnt make it into the final game. Blimps and boats, multiple iterations on the Mask of Life chamber and it’s entrance, funny little guard guys. These docs are early enough that the Piraka are referred to as ‘pirates’ – hm… PIRaka, PIRates?
You’ll see this art integrated with the rest of our VNOG concept art when it makes the jump to the new site. Until then: