Wall of History: Artakha’s Big Month, Week One: Six Heroes, One Destiny

The first week of Artakha’s Big Month, Wall of History’s latest update initiative, is now complete. For this first week, we chose to focus on the first chapter of the BIONICLE legend, the Quest for the Masks.

Week one began on the first of the month with a brand new scan of the original BIONICLE #1: The Coming of the Toa. Previously, Wall of History used the official digital version of this comic released by the BIONICLE team years ago, which had been preserved by BioMedia Project. This digital release featured heavy JPEG compression, resulting in pretty abysmal image quality. Below is a comparison between this original version and our new scan, which is much crisper and more detailed.

BIONICLE #1: The Coming of the Toa final page comparison

You can give this new scan a look here.

For the second day of Artakha’s Big Month, we released a minor update to the BIONICLE Chronicles introduction, “The Legend of Mata Nui.” All four Chronicles novels featured this same introduction, but the version included in Tales of the Masks (the only Chronicles novel written by Greg Farshtey) was altered — by just one word. Here’s the original…

…carrying we, the ones called the Matoran…

BIONICLE Chronicles #1#3

…and here’s Farshtey’s change…

…carrying us, the ones called the Matoran…

BIONICLE Chronicles #4: Tales of the Masks

Using Wall of History’s new alternate versions functionality (introduced this 810NICLE Day), both versions of this introduction are now available on the site. You can access the new version here, and switch back and forth by clicking the settings button near the top of the page.

On the third of the month, we began updating the first Chronicles novel, Tale of the Toa. As you probably already know, the first six chapters of this novel each focus on one of the six Toa Mata, chronicling their first steps on the island of Mata Nui. Given this, we thought it would be appropriate to give these chapters a fresh coat of paint representing their respective Toa, starting with “Tahu — Toa of Fire.”

BIONICLE Chronicles #1: Tale of the Toa, “Tahu — Toa of Fire”

In addition to the new look, we also updated the actual contents of this chapter. Those of you who know your BIONICLE history might be aware that the Hungarian release of Tale of the Toa seemed to be translated from an earlier draft of the novel, and was much longer than what we got in English-speaking countries. Thanks to Tumblr user Vrahno, Wall of History was able to obtain a copy of this draft translated back into English, and (once again using our new alternate versions functionality) we made Tahu’s chapter draft available with his new theme! You can read it here.

Earlier today, we released our final update for week one, which included new themes and draft versions for the next five chapters of Tale of the Toa. You can check them out starting here.

We hope you’ve enjoyed these updates! Week two starts tomorrow, so be sure to follow Wall of History’s official Twitter account to find out… what lurks below.

