Wall of History: Artakha’s Big Month, Week Two: What Lurks Below

A few hours ago, Mata Nui was peaceful and quiet. Now the ground shakes and the air is heavy with the smoke of a thousand fires. From every side comes the sounds of ancient trees falling, rivers boiling away, and mountains crumbling to dust.

BIONICLE #4: The Bohrok Awake!

Week two of Wall of History’s latest update initiative, Artakha’s Big Month, is now complete. With our first week focusing on the Quest for the Masks, we thought it only made sense for this week to focus on the Bohrok War. Let’s see what updates to the site have been made over the last seven days!

We started this week off by giving all the pages in this chapter of the story a shiny new Bohrok theme.

BIONICLE Chronicles #2: Beware the Bohrok: “Underground”

Themed pages are something we’ve experimented with in the past, and the Toa-themed pages we introduced last week were hardly all we had in mind. Eventually, we’d like all story pages on Wall of History to have some kind of theming, so if this is something you like (or really don’t like), be sure to let us know!

Over the next two days (the sixth and the seventh), we updated Wall of History with the first three chapters of the Spanish version of BIONICLE Chronicles #2: Beware the Bohrok. You can read them here:


For day eight of Artakha’s Big Month, we released new scans of the 2002 Bohrok promotional comic, which was originally included in Bohrok canister sets. These new scans are a significant improvement over the older scans we hosted prior.

BIONICLE: Bohrok Comic first page comparison

You can see these new scans for yourself right here.

Day nine saw us take a brief detour from content updates to fix an alignment issue with paragraph numbers.

Before and after of paragraph number alignment fix

This issue was originally brought to our attention by maxim21 of Nuvapedia, the French BIONICLE wiki.

The next two days of Artakha’s Big Month featured new scans of BIONICLE #4: The Bohrok Awake! On day ten, we released new scans of the original version of this comic (which you can check out here), and earlier today, we added the variant cover version (often just called the “mini version”) using Wall of History’s new alternate versions functionality. The mini version can be found here.

You can see a comparison between our new scans and the original digital version below. Note that our scans eliminate the JPEG artifacts seen in the original version, and feature improved contrast.

BIONICLE #: The Bohrok Awake! page comparison

We hope you’ve enjoyed these updates, and we also hope you’ll enjoy what we’ve got coming over the next few weeks. If there’s something particular you’d like to see added during Artakha’s Big Month, you can let us know in our official Discord server.

